MJ 소개

Hello, this is MJ. I major in Math and Latin America at uni. There, I also found my enthusiasm for constructing something like drama, drawing, or literature. I’ve joined for school drama team as a step for 4 times. It was quite meaningful because I experienced how to deal with people when we’re surrounded by various opinions and sentiments. I also spent quite long time for learning Machine Learning with R & Python. I’ve done some projects, using statistical modeling, such as “You-Hang-Ta: What’s the significant variables for watching Mukbang Youtube? using regression model” and “How are you? Using AI to change facial expression and style”. The second one contains CNN, Style Transfer and GAN algorithm. Also, as a side effects of those, I learnt how to cooperate with teammates and other technical competences such as Excel, web crawler, HTML&CSS, Flask, Github, etc. I like various things around my environments and am very interested in learning something new or thoroughly.

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